新关注 > 信息聚合 > 皮影戏风格暗黑动作Roguelite游戏《暖雪》公布


Shadow play style dark action roguelite game warm snow released

2021-08-04 20:55:50来源: 游戏时光

在今天的 2021 bilibili 游戏新品发布会上,烂泥工作室公布了旗下皮影戏风格暗黑武侠类动作 Roguelite 游戏《暖雪》。游戏以诡异的“暖雪”为核心打造了一个完全架空的黑暗奇幻世界,玩家将扮演代号“狴犴“的侠士去讨伐五大家族,拯救世界。本作的 Steam 商店页面现已上线,玩家可将游戏添加至愿望单。视频地址

At today's 2021 BiliBili game launch, mud studio announced its shadow play style dark martial arts action roguelite game warm snow. The game takes the strange "warm snow" as the core to create a completely overhead dark fantasy world. Players will play the chivalrous man code named "Pang" to crusade against the five families and save the world. The steam store page of this work is now online. Players can add the game to the wish list. Video address

标签: 游戏