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Liang Qiwei's choice II

2021-09-30 14:28:35来源: 触乐

梁其伟先生和他的灵游坊是触乐的老朋友了。2014年,触乐刚刚创立不久,那时候国内的游戏市场刚刚从页游转向手游,人们从页游“买量”“滚服”之类的词儿中露出头,呼吸了一口新鲜空气,看向远方的天空;那时候大厂商尚未看到金山,也没有确定自己未来的道路,它们犹豫着,远没有现在这样狂飙猛进;那时候许多游戏开发者看到了机会,也许他们可以开发自己的游戏,上线,然后受到欢迎,赚到有尊严的收入,也许还能够发点儿财。 那时候,梁其伟和他的灵游坊就已经是国内游戏行业的明星。在很长一段时间,谈到国内独立游戏,就不可避免地谈到梁其伟和他的《雨血》。在当时,梁其伟是国内为数不多的独立游戏开发者,他在大学时开发的《雨血》固然不算完美,但在当时从任何意义而言都无愧于“精品”

Mr. Liang Qiwei and his lingyoufang are old friends of touch music. In 2014, touch music was just founded. At that time, the domestic game market just changed from page games to mobile games, and people changed from page games & amp; ldquo; Buy & amp; rdquo;& amp; ldquo; Rolling clothes & amp; rdquo; He took a breath of fresh air and looked at the distant sky; At that time, big manufacturers did not see Jinshan and did not determine their future path. They hesitated and were far from making such rapid progress as they are now; At that time, many game developers saw opportunities. Maybe they could develop their own games, go online, be popular, earn a dignified income, and maybe make some money.