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在第六代iPad mini上玩游戏

Play games on the sixth generation ipad Mini

2021-09-29 17:16:52来源: 触乐

平时我主要是一个主机玩家,通常大作会选PS平台,独立游戏或中小体量的会选PC,但我总有需要在手机上玩游戏的时候。不光是因为这类游戏便携性好,出差或者旅行的过程中可以随时掏出来玩,也是因为移动端也有越来越多特别优秀的游戏。我完全在手机上通关的游戏就有《OPUS:灵魂之桥》,“纪念碑谷”系列以及《帕斯卡契约》等等,见缝插针用来娱乐的也有《饥荒》和《光遇》。 手机的劣势显而易见,比如搓玻璃手感不佳,屏幕太小,玩的时间长了脖子很累……试用了第六代iPad mini之后,我觉得这些问题大部分都能得到解决。 第六代iPad mini主打轻便的外形和强大的功能,搭载A15处理器和8.3英寸Liquid视网膜全面屏 这款平板8.3英寸的显示屏在尺寸上非常友好。不光是因为它

Usually I am mainly a host player. I usually choose the PS platform for big works, and PC for independent games or small and medium-sized games, but I always need to play games on my mobile phone. This is not only because such games are portable and can be taken out at any time during business or travel, but also because there are more and more excellent games on the mobile terminal. The game that I pass completely on my mobile phone is opus: the bridge of the soul, & amp; ldquo; Monument Valley & amp; rdquo; Series and Pascal contract, etc. famine and light encounter are also used for entertainment.

标签: 游戏