新关注 > 信息聚合 > 相守之约,《仙剑奇侠传七》今日正式发售


"Seven legends of swordsmen and swordsmen" is officially on sale today

2021-10-15 10:49:07来源: 游戏时光

《仙剑奇侠传》系列第九部作品《仙剑奇侠传七》今日(10 月 15 日)正式上市。本作是一款动作角色扮演类游戏,由软星科技(北京)有限公司研发,数字版定价为 128 元人民币,在方块游戏平台首发。商店传送门:点击此处。《仙剑奇侠传七》是基于仙剑世界观所创作的新故事、和新主角。虽然和前代人物有关联,但是剧情完整,新玩家不会有理解问题。故事围绕人、神、魔三族展开,在保证剧情精彩演绎的同时,战斗系统较系列前作也做出重大变革,采用第三人称即时战斗模式,游戏流程无缝衔接,为玩家带来爽快的游戏体验。《仙剑奇侠传七》支持 NVIDIA DLSS 深度学习超级采样技术以及光线追踪技术,采用即时制模式并可随时进入战斗。玩家在战斗中可切换四名不同风格的主控角色进行作战。每个角色可习得多种特性技能,亦可召唤强大神明作战。此外也能够在游

The ninth work in the "Legend of swordsman" series, "Legend of swordsman 7", was officially launched today (October 15). This is an action role-playing game developed by Softstar Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd. the digital version is priced at 128 yuan and launched on the square game platform. Store portal: Click here. Legend of swordsman 7 It is a new story and new protagonist created based on Xianjian's world view. Although it is related to the previous generation of characters, the plot is complete, and new players will not have any problem understanding. The story revolves around people, gods and demons. While ensuring the wonderful interpretation of the plot, the combat system has also made major changes compared with the previous series of works. It adopts the third person real-time combat mode, and the game process is seamlessly connected, Bring players a refreshing game experience It supports NVIDIA DLSS in-depth learning of super sampling technology and ray tracing technology. It adopts real-time mode and can enter the battle at any time. Players can switch four master characters of different styles to fight in the battle. Each character can learn a variety of characteristic skills and summon powerful gods to fight. In addition, they can also swim in the game