新关注 > 信息聚合 > 从模组到独立发行的佳作,《遗忘之城》6年来经历了什么


From module to independent release, what has forgotten city experienced in the past six years

2021-10-15 15:00:00来源: 触乐

一个饱经风霜的士兵眼神飘忽不定,似乎对世间一切充满了怀疑;一位农民,在黑暗的统治中渴望光明;一位圣洁的女祭司比所有凡人都更了解神......2015年底,《上古卷轴5:天际》的大型模组《遗忘之城》(The Forgotten City)在发布后广受好评。如今,《遗忘之城》成功褪掉模组标签,独立发行完整版,成为2021年迄今为止最让人印象深刻的游戏之一。 在过去的大约6年里,《遗忘之城》经历了许多变化,整个开发过程就像一场漫长而艰苦的远行。对Modern Storyteller工作室游戏总监尼克·皮尔斯(Nick Pearce)来说,他从项目一开始就遇到了难以逾越的障碍:《遗忘之城》是史上第一个获得澳大利亚编剧公会奖的游戏模组,可是,由于皮尔斯使用一家巨头发行商提供的工具包进行开发,虽然故事是他创作

A weather beaten soldier's eyes were erratic and seemed to be full of doubt about everything in the world; A farmer, longing for light in the rule of darkness; A holy priestess knows God better than all mortals... At the end of 2015, the forgotten city, a large module of ancient scroll 5: the horizon, was widely praised after its release. Now, forgotten city has successfully removed the module label and released the full version independently, becoming one of the most impressive games so far in 2021.