新关注 > 信息聚合 > OKJOY携《世上英雄》《哞哩的长梦》登陆科隆亚洲游戏展


Okjoy landed at the Cologne Asian game show with "heroes in the world" and "moo mile long dream"

2021-10-16 16:24:10来源: 游戏时光

在 10 月 14 日的科隆亚洲游戏展上,中国独立游戏工作室 OKJOY 在线上展映环节播出了像素剧情游戏《世上英雄》和飞行射击游戏《哞哩的长梦》的 PV。像素剧情游戏《世上英雄》自公布序章以来,受到了不少玩家的关注,不仅在 TapTap 上获得 9.9 分评价,并且入围了 2021 年 indiePlay 最佳叙事与最佳移动游戏的终选名单。 视频链接该作以 1996 年的中国南方乡镇为背景,主要讲述了作为主角的一个小镇青年,为了至亲至爱,决定与生活死磕到底的故事。目前目前已在 steam 平台公开,完整版游戏预计将于 2022 年春节前后上线。另一部作品《哞哩的长梦》展现了一个充满想象力的梦幻世界,现实中的动物伙伴变成了游戏中各种危险的怪物,成为了阻拦小哞哩前进的坏蛋。视频

At the Cologne Asian game show on October 14, okjoy, China's independent game studio, broadcast the PV of the pixel plot game "heroes in the world" and the flying shooting game "moo mile long dream" on the online screening link. Since the introduction of the pixel plot game "heroes in the world", it has attracted the attention of many players. It not only scored 9.9 points on taptap, but also was shortlisted for the best narrative and best mobile game of indieplay in 2021& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp;& amp; nbsp; Video link this work is based on the villages and towns in southern China in 1996. It mainly tells the story of a young man in a small town who decides to fight with life in the end for the sake of his close relatives and love. At present, it has been made public on steam platform, and the full version of the game is expected to be launched around the Spring Festival in 2022. Another work, moo mile's long dream, shows an imaginative dream world. In reality, animal partners have become all kinds of dangerous monsters in the game and villains blocking the progress of small moo mile. video

标签: 游戏