新关注 > 信息聚合 > 格斗游戏《地下城与勇士 对决》开场影像公开

格斗游戏《地下城与勇士 对决》开场影像公开

The opening video of the fighting game "dungeons vs. warriors" is open to the public

2022-06-21 10:35:04来源: 游戏时光

由 Arc System Works 开发的格斗游戏《地下城与勇士 对决》即将在 6 月 28 日在 PS4/PS5/PC 平台发售。今日官方公开了本作的开场影像,游戏的首发参战角色均在视频中亮相。视频地址《地下城与勇士 对决》首发共有 16 名角色,联机对战支持回滚网络代码,不支持跨平台。Steam 锁国区。游戏中文官网:传送门。

The fighting game "dungeons vs. warriors" developed by arc system works will be released on ps4/ps5/pc platform on June 28. Today, the official released the opening image of the game. The first players of the game appeared in the video. The video address "dungeons vs. warriors" has 16 characters in the first episode. Online combat supports rollback of network code, and does not support cross platform. Steam Suoguo district. Game Chinese official website: portal.

标签: 游戏