新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《赛博朋克2077》Steam口碑回暖 近期收获大量好评

《赛博朋克2077》Steam口碑回暖 近期收获大量好评

Cyberpunk 2077 steam has gained a lot of praise recently

2021-11-26 15:52:18来源: 游戏时光

伴随 Steam 秋季促销的开启,《赛博朋克 2077》也以半价出售。Steam 数据显示,本作自 11 月 24 日起获得大量玩家好评。目前游戏的最近评价为“特别好评”(好评率 84%),总体评价为“多半好评”(好评率 76%)。对于此次口碑回暖,《赛博朋克 2077》任务设计总监 Paweł Sasko 发推感慨:最近几天《赛博朋克 2077》在 Steam 上收到了来自新玩家的大量积极评价。你无法想象这对我意味着什么。纵观近期评价,有玩家表示《赛博朋克 2077》值得一试,也有玩家因其它游戏表现不佳而给予《赛博朋克 2077》“报复性好评”。但总体来看,仍有不少玩家希望 CDPR 积极更新,实现既有的承诺。来源:Steam/Twitter

With the launch of steam autumn promotion, "cyberpunk 2077" is also sold at half price. Steam data shows that this work has been highly praised by a large number of players since November 24. At present, the recent evaluation of the game is "special praise" (the praise rate is 84%), and the overall evaluation is "most praise" (the praise rate is 76%). For the recovery of public praise, pawe, mission design director of cyberpunk 2077 ł Sasko tweeted with emotion: cyberpunk 2077 has received a lot of positive comments from new players on steam in recent days. You can't imagine what this means to me. Looking at the recent evaluation, some players said that cyberpunk 2077 was worth a try, and some players gave "retaliatory praise" to cyberpunk 2077 because of the poor performance of other games. However, on the whole, there are still many players who hope that cdpr will be actively updated to realize their existing commitments. Source: steam/twitter

标签: Steam