新关注 > 信息聚合 > 超过2700万人!Steam并发用户数量创新高


More than 27million people! Record number of steam concurrent users

2021-11-28 08:59:43来源: 游戏时光

根据 SteamDB 提供的数据表示,Steam 在北京时间昨日的并发用户数量达到历史新高 2700 万余人,超越今年 4 月 2690万人次记录。与此同时,Steam 黑色星期五特卖正在进行中,《死亡循环》等作品拥有 5 折优惠,感兴趣的朋友可以自行前往选购。编注:并发用户数量,指同一时间段内与服务器进行有效数据传输的用户数量,不等同于同时在线用户数量,但可互为参考依据

According to the data provided by steamdb, the number of concurrent users of steam in Beijing time yesterday reached an all-time high of more than 27million, surpassing the record of 26.9 million person times in April this year. At the same time, steam Black Friday sale is in progress. Works such as "death cycle" have a 50% discount. Interested friends can go to buy them by themselves. Note: the number of concurrent users refers to the number of users who effectively transmit data with the server within the same time period, which is not equal to the number of simultaneous online users, but can be used as a reference for each other

标签: Steam