新关注 > 信息聚合 > 兰多夫合同生疑 名记曝不包含NBA跳出选项

兰多夫合同生疑 名记曝不包含NBA跳出选项

Randolph contract suspicious mind exposure does not contain the NBA out options Sina

2015-08-16 14:21:36来源: 新浪

欧洲篮球记者大卫皮克透露了他了解的兰多夫合同细节 新浪体育讯 北京时间8月16日消息,根据著名篮球记者David Pick在推特上爆料,新赛季辽宁男篮为内线外援兰多夫提供的合同为一份三年总金额达...

European basketball reporter David PG revealed his understanding of the Randolph contract details of sina sports news Beijing time news on August 16, according to the famous basketball reporter David pick special broke the news on twitter, the new season Liaoning team inside a foreign aid Randolph to provide contract for a three years the total amount of...