新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国产柔性触摸屏手机造出:世界先进


Made in China, the world's advanced

2015-11-23 15:59:04来源: TechWeb

智能手机的触摸屏正朝着精细化、柔性化的方向发展,而中国科学家已经取得了国际性的突破。 配图供参考 综合永川网、新华网、重庆文理学院的报道,中国工程院院士涂铭旌教授带领的重庆文理学院新材料技术研究...

smart phone is moving in the direction of precision, flexibility, and Chinese scientists have made a breakthrough in international. Pictures for reference network Yongchuan, reported Xinhua, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences, led by Professor Ming Jing Tu of academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of engineering, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences new materials technology research.