新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黄晓明打算早生子 否认郭富城女友像Baby

黄晓明打算早生子 否认郭富城女友像Baby

Huang Xiaoming to early child denied Aaron Kwok girlfriend like Baby

2015-12-05 02:36:42来源: 新浪

新浪娱乐讯 据香港媒体报道, 黄晓明[微博]、李成敏4日在香港出席品牌活动。 黄晓明透露自从结婚后就很久没来香港啦,但是对香港很熟悉,他说:“因为baby是香港人嘛,所以我也是半个香港人。”晓明又指自己和baby婚后的第二天,两人就各忙各的啦,到现在为止两人只有在工作中碰过面,其他时...

Sina entertainment hearing according to Hong Kong media reports, Huang Xiaoming [microblogging] Li Chengmin, 4 days in Hong Kong to attend brand activities. Huang Xiaoming said that since the marriage has not been to Hongkong for a long time, but very familiar with Hongkong, he said: Because baby is the people of Hongkong, so I am also half a Hongkong people." Xiao Ming also refers to himself and baby after second days of marriage, the two people on each busy, so far, two people only in the work of the face, the other...