新关注 > 信息聚合 > 放弃金属机身 iPhone7配4K显示屏

放弃金属机身 iPhone7配4K显示屏

Give up metal body iPhone7 with 4K display

2015-11-02 09:57:41来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】尽管iPhone 6s系列问世时间不长,但坊间有关iPhone 7的各种消息却炒得十分火热。日前,根据国外媒体techradar披露的消息称,下一代iPhone有可能会采用4K显...

[IT168 have information] despite iPhone 6S series advent of time is not long, but anecdotal about the iPhone 7 kinds of messages but speculation very hot. A few days ago, according to the foreign media techradar disclosure of the news that the next generation of iPhone is likely to use 4K...