新关注 > 信息聚合 > 能力出色 AMD A10-7870K京东售879元

能力出色 AMD A10-7870K京东售879元

Excellent ability to AMD A10-7870K Jingdong sale 879 yuan

2015-11-03 05:51:08来源: 中关村在线

AMD全新一代旗舰级APU A10-7870K作为目前性能最强的融合型处理器产品,得益于计算单元频率和内置融合GPU频率的再次提升,A10-7870K的整体性能水平再次突破极限,相比上代A10-78...

AMD a new generation of flagship APU A10-7870K as currently the strongest performance fusion processor, thanks in the calculation of unit frequency and built-in fusion GPU frequency upgrade again, A10-7870K level of overall performance once again break through the limit, compared to which A10-78...

标签: 京东