新关注 > 信息聚合 > 杭州国际人才交流与项目合作大会上 科技成果精彩..

杭州国际人才交流与项目合作大会上 科技成果精彩..

Hangzhou International Talent Exchange and project cooperation conference on scientific and technological achievements wonderful..

2015-11-05 06:39:31来源: 杭州网

2015浙江·杭州国际人才交流与项目合作大会上,“千人计划”创业成果展示推介专区推荐的产品。 本报记者 魏志阳 李震宇 摄 致天下之治者在人才。昨天,3000余名海内外人士共赴西子湖畔,参加20...

2015 Zhejiang Hangzhou International Talent Exchange and project cooperation conference, "thousands of people plan" entrepreneurial achievements exhibition promotion area recommended products. This reporter Li Zhenyu Wei Zhiyang photo caused by the world's governance in the talent. Yesterday, more than 3000 overseas people to the West Lake, in 20...