新关注 > 信息聚合 > 奇葩但作用大 用脚控制iPad的游戏控制器

奇葩但作用大 用脚控制iPad的游戏控制器

Wonderful but effects with the foot control is the iPad game controller

2015-10-28 22:21:13来源: 中金在线

是的,两个木制半圆形的控制器将成为你的支点,你只需要做小小的调整,就可以保持平衡,当然,每个控制器的下面都有一个传感器通过蓝牙和你的 iPad 保持联系,你需要像要荡秋千一样,稳稳的站在这个奇葩的游...

. Two wooden semicircle controller will become your fulcrum, you only need to do a little adjustment, you can keep balance, of course, each controller below have a sensor keep in touch via Bluetooth and your iPad, you need to like to swing, firmly stand in this wonderful tour...

标签: 游戏