新关注 > 信息聚合 > 惠普一分为二 PC业务独立(图)

惠普一分为二 PC业务独立(图)

HP split PC business independent (Figure) Sohu

2015-11-03 03:27:37来源: 搜狐

新京报讯 (记者李媛)北京时间11月2日,惠普正式宣布分拆为两家企业,惠普企业服务集团和惠普公司。拆分后,两家公司的股票将分别在纽约证券交易所进行公开交易。 惠普企业服务集团 根据拆分方...

new news news (reporter Li Yuan) Beijing time on November 2, HP officially announced the spin off for the two companies, HP enterprise services group and HP. After the split, the shares of the two companies will be publicly traded on the New York stock exchange. HP enterprise services group according to the split party...

标签: PC