新关注 > 信息聚合 > “僵尸公交”停路口中央一年多 只剩骨架(图)

“僵尸公交”停路口中央一年多 只剩骨架(图)

"Zombie Bus" stop crossing the central year only a skeleton (FIG)

2016-04-08 23:45:41来源: 中国新闻网

僵尸公交车停在路口,容易阻碍交通 摄/实习生 杨浩东 法制晚报讯(记者 杨浩东 记者 李东)近日,《法制晚报》记者发现,小屯西路和小屯北街的十字路口,一辆废弃的公交车停在路口中央。 附近居民...

Zombie bus stop at the intersection, blocking traffic easy camera / Interns Yanghao Dong Legal Evening News (Reporter correspondent Yanghao Dong Dong) Recently, the "Legal Evening News" reporter found Xiaotun West and North Xiaotun crossroads, an abandoned the bus stopped at the intersection of the center. Nearby residents ...