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配i5-4300U 微软 Surface Pro3售6688

With i5-4300u Microsoft Surface Pro3 sale 6688

2015-06-16 12:03:57来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline电商站行情】微软Surface Pro 3(i5/128GB/中国版)能够利用一体式支架实现翻转,轻松变换角度形成适合使用的机体形态。其超级轻薄的机身设计,即使放置在腿面上也能轻松使用。目前京东售价6688元,产品实际价格以及最新促销资讯以电商网站实际为准。 微软S...

[pconline electricity station market Microsoft Surface Pro 3 (i5/128GB/ Chinese version of) to realize the overturning by one stent and easily change the angle formed for the use of body shape. Its super thin body design, even if placed on the legs can be easily used. Currently Jingdong price 6688 yuan, the actual price of the product and the latest promotional information to the actual electricity supplier website. Microsoft S...

标签: 微软