新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四川开江第二届荷花节将于7月26日至8月1日举行


The second session of the lotus Kaijiang festival will be on July 26 to August 1, held today in the morning

2015-06-23 16:41:17来源: 大河网

四川新闻网成都6月23日讯(记者 戴璐岭) 今日上午,“2015四川·开江第二届荷花节”新闻发布会在成都举行。四川新闻网记者从发布会上获悉,在我省现代农业转型升级、全面开展幸福美丽新村建设、大力发展...

Sichuan news network Chengdu on June 23 hearing (reporter Dai Luling) "2015 Sichuan Kaijiang the second session of the Lotus Festival" press conference in Chengdu held. Sichuan news network reporter learned from the press conference, in our province of modern agricultural transformation and upgrading, comprehensive development of the beautiful village construction, and vigorously develop...