新关注 > 信息聚合 > 恒大仅金英权与皮克交换球衣 邹正伤势牵动人心

恒大仅金英权与皮克交换球衣 邹正伤势牵动人心

Hengda only Kim and Peake exchange jerseys Zou Zheng injury affecting the people

2015-12-17 21:58:07来源: 新浪

金英权盯防伊涅斯塔 新浪体育讯 北京时间12月17日晚18:30,2015年世俱杯半决赛广州恒大0-3不敌欧冠冠军巴萨,赛前引发热议的交换球衣一幕并未出现,恒大队只有金英权与巴萨球员皮克交换了球...

jinyingquan marking Iniesta Sina Sina sports news Beijing standard time on December 17th night in 18:302015 Club World Cup semi-final against Guangzhou Evergrande 0-3 European champions Barcelona, before the exchange jerseys trigger hot scene does not appear, only the constant brigade jinyingquan and Barcelona players Peake exchange the ball...