新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软Q2财报显示:云服务表现抢眼


Microsoft Q2 results: eye-catching performance of cloud services

2016-01-29 16:21:35来源: 中关村在线

今天凌晨,微软今天发布了 2016 财年第二财季财报。报告显示, 微软第二财季营收为 237.96 亿美元,比去年同期的 264.70 亿美元下滑 10%; 净利润为 49.98 亿美元,比去年同期的 58.63 亿美元下滑 15%。但是微软第二财季调整后每股收益和营收均超出华尔街分析师...

This morning, Microsoft today released the 2016 fiscal second quarter earnings. The report shows that Microsoft's second-quarter revenue of $ 23.796 billion, down 10 percent from $ 26.47 billion last year; net profit of $ 4.998 billion, down 15 percent from $ 5.863 billion the same period last year. But after Microsoft's second-quarter adjusted earnings per share and revenue that exceeded Wall Street analysts ...

标签: 微软