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Printing supplies cartridges - Siting Bo technology impressed the West

2016-01-29 10:26:31来源: 中关村在线

在中国的打印机市场,国产品牌所占的比例很小。在国家大力推广工业4.0以及开始第十三个五年计划的时代背景下,15年中国独辟蹊径,把3D打印以及云打印概念推向一个高潮。但是内行人都懂打印耗材市场才是主战场。 如果3D打印的耗材价格做到很低很低,那么3D打印也就可以广泛的运用于工业、研发等...

In China's printer market, the small proportion of domestic brands. In the country to promote industrial 4.0 Five-Year Plan and the beginning of the thirteenth background, 15 years China its way to the concept of 3D printing, and Cloud Print to a climax. But insiders know all printing supplies market is the main battlefield. If the price of 3D printing supplies to do very, very low, so 3D printing also can be widely used in industrial, research and development ...