新关注 > 信息聚合 > 辽宁沈阳怪坡国际滑雪场魔毯突发故障 4名游客受伤

辽宁沈阳怪坡国际滑雪场魔毯突发故障 4名游客受伤

Electric transmission of Liaoning Shenyang international ski slope in the carpet the sudden failure of 4 tourists were injured

2014-12-07 20:10:21来源: 中国青年网

滑雪者的电动传送带——魔毯(资料图) 滑雪者的电动传送带——魔毯(资料图) 人民网北京12月7日电 据新华社对外部认证微博消息,7日11点30分,辽宁省沈阳怪坡国际滑雪场中级雪道的魔毯突然发...

skiers with -- the magic carpet (data) electric transmission belt -- a magic carpet ride skiers (data) people.com.cn Beijing 7 December, according to Xinhua News micro-blog external certification, 7 at eleven thirty, Liaoning Province Shenyang Guaipo International Ski intermediate ski carpet suddenly...