新关注 > 信息聚合 > 林丹重返羽超受阻 因赞助商问题无法参赛

林丹重返羽超受阻 因赞助商问题无法参赛

Lin returned to feather super blocked due to sponsorship issues could not compete

2015-06-14 10:01:30来源: 中国新闻网

林丹重返羽超受阻 因赞助商问题无法参赛 2015中国羽毛球俱乐部超级联赛季后赛昨天打响,被青岛俱乐部租借的“全满贯”林丹原本随队赴长沙客场准备以第一男单身份登场,不料临阵突然因为赞助商问题而...

Lin return to super feather blocked due to sponsorship issues could not compete 2015 China Badminton Club Super League playoffs started yesterday, Qingdao club on loan "Grand Slam" lindane originally with the team went to Changsha road ready to debut as the first men's singles identity, and, Behold, he suddenly because of the sponsors and...