新关注 > 信息聚合 > 核心技术助力三星手机 一季度重回世界第一

核心技术助力三星手机 一季度重回世界第一

First in the world

2015-05-28 10:23:51来源: 中国新闻网

中新网5月28日电 根据全球知名市场调研机构Strategy Analytics前不久发布的报告,今年第一季度全球智能手机的出货量为3.45亿部,其中三星的出货量达到了8320万台,市场份额高达24...

Beijing core technology help Samsung mobile phones in the first quarter back on May 28, according to the global well-known market research firm strategy analytics before recently released report, the first quarter of this year global smartphone shipments to 3.45 million, the three star shipments reached 832 million units, market share up to 24.

标签: 三星