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女神的新衣美哭了 剑网3六周年限定披风外观视频

The goddess of beauty of new cried sword net 3 sixth anniversary limited cloak video appearance

2015-08-26 11:54:12来源: 新浪

《剑网3》六周年发布会8月28日震撼开启,端游新资料片和重制版、单机《谢云流传》与次世代引擎以及全新手游《剑网3:口袋版》均将全方位亮相。游戏内庆典27日火爆上线,两组新服同步开启!武林同庆,秘境橙武玄晶双倍掉率,还有珍稀挂件、机甲风跟宠、坐骑、特效称号免费领取! 全新披风上架,多层...

"Sword net 3" sixth anniversary conference on August 28, shock, the new expansion and heavy plate, single xie spread with next generation engine and new mobile game "sword net 3: pocket edition will be on display at the full. Popular online in-game celebration 27th, two groups of new clothing synchronous open! Wulin celebrate, orange Wu Xuanjing double drop rate land, there are rare accessories mecha wind with pets, mounts, special titles for free! New cloak, multilayer...

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