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"安陵容"陶昕然否认怀孕 谈公益:以刘德华为旗帜

"Anling" Xinran Tao deny pregnant about public welfare: with Andy flag

2015-07-10 08:46:23来源: 中国青年网

本周五,天津卫视《幸福来敲门》请来《甄嬛传》中“安陵容”的扮演者陶昕然等四位明星嘉宾作为加盟,节目中她否认了此前盛传的怀孕传闻。陶昕然还表示,做公益方面,他们夫妻是以刘德华为旗帜。 本期《幸福来...

Friday, Tianjin TV "happiness to knock" invited "Zhen Huan biography" in "anling" play who Xinran Tao four guest stars as a member, the show she denied the previously rumored pregnancy rumors. Tao Xinran also said that to do public service, they are a couple of Andy Lau as a banner. This issue of "happiness"...