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女玩家多 谈未来职业是否考虑唯美外观

Talk about future occupation female game player to consider whether the aesthetic appearance

2015-01-24 23:35:00来源: 多玩游戏

昨天帮里一个女孩把刚到手1个月的怀光给卖了!其实那个号还挺不错的,暴伤900多的。 原因是打铁血的时候被人给虐了…其实在她买号之前,大家早就告诉她不要玩歪脖子,那手法不是她能跟上的。 事实也...

yesterday to help a girl just got 1 months to sell with light! In fact, the number is also very good, more than 900 of violence injury. The reason is that when playing the predator was to abuse... In fact, before she bought, we told her not to play with a wry neck, that means she could not keep up with the. The fact is...