新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微软让用户能用苹果手表控制幻灯片


Microsoft so that users can use Apple watch control slides

2015-04-22 05:27:58来源: 中国青年网

据悉,此前微软就更新了iOS OneDrive ,可以让苹果用户在手表上浏览照片。21日,微软又更新了iOS版PowerPoint。新版主要是对部分漏洞进行了修复,并提升了运行性能。其中的一大亮点是...

reported previously, Microsoft will update the iOS OneDrive, will allow Apple users to view photos on the watch. 21, Microsoft also updated the iOS version of PowerPoint. The new version is part of the vulnerabilities were fixed, and to enhance the operating performance. A highlight is...

标签: 微软