新关注 > 信息聚合 > 温哥华已成北美房价最贵城市 中国买家被指责

温哥华已成北美房价最贵城市 中国买家被指责

Vancouver has become a North American house prices the most expensive cities in the Chinese buyers has been accused of

2015-10-13 18:24:05来源: 新浪网

在这个北美房价最贵的城市,中国买家被千夫所指 50岁左右的软件工程师詹姆斯·汉克尔(James Hankle)身穿绿党T-恤和蓝色牛仔裤,正阐释着他对于如何控制温哥华房价飞涨的看法。一位路人打断...

in this North American house prices the most expensive city, Chinese buyers condemned about 50 year old software engineer James Hankel James hankle, wearing a green T-shirt and blue jeans, it explains the him for how to control soaring housing prices in Vancouver views. A passer-by interrupted...