新关注 > 信息聚合 > 地铁1号线象峰站主体结构封顶 全线16个站点封顶

地铁1号线象峰站主体结构封顶 全线16个站点封顶

Metro Line 1 as the peak station the main structure completed all 16 sites completed

2014-12-17 07:17:50来源: 福州新闻网

福州新闻网12月17日讯 昨日下午,榕城地铁建设再传喜讯,随着象峰站最后一块顶板浇筑完成,地铁1号线北段首站的主体结构顺利封顶。目前,1号线已有16个站点完成主体结构施工(封顶)。 据福州市城市...

Fuzhou news network December 17th news yesterday afternoon, Rongcheng metro construction to preach the good news, with peaks stand as the last plate pouring completed, Metro Line 1 north section of the main structure of the first station smoothly completed. At present, the No. 1 line has 16 completed the main structure of the construction site (cap). According to the city of Fuzhou city...