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News: Lanxun communication announced third quarter earnings year-on-year losses

2014-11-20 07:42:39来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间11月20日早间消息,蓝汛通信(Nasdaq:CCIH)今天发布了截至9月30日的2014财年第三季度未经审计财报。报告显示,蓝汛通信第三季度净营收为人民币3.753亿元(约合6...

Sina Sina science and technology news Beijing standard time on November 20th morning news, Lanxun communication (Nasdaq:CCIH) today released as of September 30th 2014 fiscal year third quarter unaudited financial results. The report shows, Lanxun communication net revenue in the third quarter is a RMB 375300000 yuan (add up to 6...