新关注 > 信息聚合 > Sleepace 上线京东 开启「睡眠+」时代

Sleepace 上线京东 开启「睡眠+」时代

Sleepace line Jingdong open "sleep +" era

2015-03-24 11:09:16来源: Tech2IPO

3月 23 日——RestOn 上线京东当天,创业家、京东、联想与科通芯城等企业的高管齐聚北京中关村黑马全球路演中心,见证全球首款非穿戴式智能睡眠监测器产品 Sleepace RestOn 的首发,...

3 month 23 days -- the RestOn on-line Jingdong day, entrepreneurs, Jingdong, Lenovo and Ketong core city executives gathered in Beijing Zhongguancun Heima global roadshow center, witness the world's first non wearable intelligent sleep monitor product Sleepace RestOn starter,...

标签: 京东