新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我国首部3D4K微电影《晚秋》在韩城开机


China's first 3D4K of micro film "late autumn" in Hancheng boot

2015-11-26 20:13:53来源: 大河网

央广网西安11月26日消息(记者雷恺 通讯员焦养忠)记者从陕西韩城市获悉,中国首部“3D4K”微电影《晚秋》在韩城市新兴产业示范基地开机。这部以爱情美为题材,以展现韩城市深秋美为场景的微电影,将浪漫...

central broadcasting network in Xi'an on November 26 news (reporter correspondent Jiao Yangzhong Leikai) reporter from Hancheng City in Shaanxi Province was informed that China's first "3D4K," micro film "late autumn" in Hancheng City emerging industry demonstration base to boot. The beauty of love as the theme, to show the beauty of autumn in Hancheng city for the micro movie scenes, the romantic...

标签: 电影