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朋友e车网福州上线 让您放心买卖二手车

Friend e car network Fuzhou line allows you to rest assured that the sale of second-hand car

2015-01-04 18:57:26来源: 爱卡汽车网

[XCAR 福州 资讯] 2015年对于中国车市来说,将会是另一个新起点的开始。中国的汽车行业经历了十多年的快速发展,新车的产销量已稳居世界第一,汽车发展的现状表明,随着中国新车市场已告别高增长...

[XCAR Fuzhou information] for China 2015 car city, will be the beginning of another new starting point. China automobile industry has experienced 10 years of rapid development, the new car production and sales has been ranked first in the world, shows that the status of automobile development, along with the new car market has bid farewell to the high growth Chinese...