新关注 > 信息聚合 > 碧桂园并购入城深圳、广州围猎地产一线项目


Biguiyuan mergers and acquisitions in the city of Shenzhen, Guangzhou hunting first-line real estate project

2015-07-30 08:44:32来源: 人民网

对于一二线城市的布局补充,碧桂园方面解释称,一二、三四线城市布局策略的调整,更多是基于企业经营视角、利润视角。 观点地产网 距7月11日宣布正式成立一线城市事业部仅半个多月,碧桂园便迈出布局深圳的...

layout for a second tier cities supplement, Biguiyuan explain said 12, three or four lines of city layout strategy adjustment, more is based on business perspective, profit perspective. View real estate network from July 11th announced the establishment of a first tier cities division only half a month, the garden will be the layout of the Shenzhen...