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龙之谷新外传职业 银色猎人的简单介绍

Dragon Valley new foreign occupation silver Hunter introduced

2015-12-15 00:48:38来源: 多玩游戏

龙之谷新外传职业:银色猎人。 12.14登录国服测试服! 12.24正式登录国服! 本视频发在测试服开测前,让大家对新职业有一个简单的了解,对技能也好对职业特色也好,方便日后,测试服也好...

Dragon Valley new foreign occupation: Silver hunter. 12.14 log in to test service! 12.24 officially logged in national service! The video sent before the test service, so that we have a simple understanding of the new occupation, the ability to work well on the occupational characteristics or, in the future, the test suit...

标签: 龙之谷