新关注 > 信息聚合 > 取消医生手工加号条是个啥“处方”


Cancel the doctor article manual plus is a what "prescription"

2016-02-10 03:38:15来源: 搜狐

来论 自从东北女孩怒斥医院号贩子的视频发布以来,国家卫计委对此高度重视,并对社会做出了对号贩子“零容忍”的承诺。之后多次组织北京市的各家医院,展开了打击号贩子的相关活动。如今,又出台了8条措施,...

concerning Since the northeast girl at the video of hospitals, dealers since its launch, national health development planning commission have attached great importance to, and has made a checkmark dealers "zero tolerance" to social commitment. Organized after Beijing municipal hospitals, to fight the dealer of related activities. Now, introduced eight measures to...