新关注 > 信息聚合 > 木村拓哉忙于演戏 日本知名组合SMAP或面临解散

木村拓哉忙于演戏 日本知名组合SMAP或面临解散

Takuya Kimura busy acting well-known Japanese SMAP combination or face the dissolution of the

2015-10-19 17:37:14来源: 中国新闻网

中新网10月19日电 据日媒报道,日本著名男子演唱组合SMAP正面临解散危险。其主要成员的中居正广日前在自己主持的节目中坦言称:“五个人聚在一起吃饭的事已经没有了”。 据报道,中居在富士电视台的节目中表示,自从96年以来,无论是在东京,还是一起去外地演出,五人聚在一起吃饭的事情几乎没...

New Network October 19, according to Japanese media reports, Japan famous men singing SMAP combination is facing the dissolution risk. Its main members of the Nakai Masahiro recently in his own program, said frankly: "five people together to have a meal together". According to the report, in the program of Fuji TV, said that since 96 years, whether in Tokyo, or go out to play together, five people get together to eat almost nothing...