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Large data tell you, classic movies which strong

2015-02-04 07:55:54来源: 人民网

《教父》 《一步之遥》 听说过这句话吗:一千个影迷心中,就有一千个哈利波特。 一部电影好不好看,这绝对是能让两个老朋友打起来的话题。这位只看特效闪瞎眼的科幻片,那位独爱温情脉脉的文艺片,这位推崇意象塞满屏幕的魔幻现实风格,那位偏好严谨精妙的悬疑推理剧情。青菜萝卜,各有所好,哪...

"Godfather" "one step" heard of this sentence: one thousand hearts of the fans, there are one thousand Harry Porter. A movie interesting, this is absolutely can let two old friends played up the topic. The only see the effects of flash blind science fiction, literary piece in the only love full of tender feelings, the respected image full screen magic realism style, the preference of rigorous reasoning suspense plot ingenious. Turnip green vegetables, Everyone has his hobby., which...

标签: 电影 大数据