新关注 > 信息聚合 > 港媒脑洞大!赵薇否认出借酒庄催锋菲再婚


Hong Kong media brain hole! Zhao Wei denied that lend winery urged Feng Fei remarried

2014-12-17 23:41:53来源: 中国青年网

港媒称赵薇催锋菲再婚 “锋菲恋”又传新进展,今日港媒报道赵薇向闺蜜王菲催婚,称赵薇还承诺借出自己的法国酒庄作为“锋菲”的结婚场地。本刊记者通过赵薇经纪人胡小姐获得独家回应:再好的朋友,感情也是个人的事情,没有牵线,也不是红娘,至于提供酒庄的事,基本属于电影编剧和小说家一样想象力了。(...

Hong Kong media said Zhao Wei urged Feng Fei remarried "Feng Fei love" and the new progress, today, Hong Kong media reported Zhao Wei to close friend Faye Wong to marry, said Zhao Wei also promised to lend his French Chateau as "Feng Fei" wedding venue. This print journalist access to exclusive response by agent Zhao Wei Hu: good friend, feelings is the personal things, not war, nor the matchmaker, as for Chateau thing, basically belongs to the screenwriter and novelist as imagination. (...