新关注 > 信息聚合 > 佘诗曼否认恋猛男画师 男方神似周杰伦

佘诗曼否认恋猛男画师 男方神似周杰伦

She Shiman deny love Menzerna painter man bore a striking resemblance to Jay Sina

2015-09-08 18:55:21来源: 新浪

佘诗曼日前被曝光与郑嘉颖分手后,与神似周杰伦的壁画师同车夜游,并于街上当众打情骂悄,虽然佘诗曼照例否认恋情。 新浪娱乐讯 佘诗曼日前被曝光与郑嘉颖分手后,与神似周杰伦的壁画师同车夜游,并于街上当...

Charmaine Sheh prior to being exposed and Kevin Cheng to break up, and Jay Chou, the spirit of mural division with the car at night, and on the street publicly beat feeling to scold Qiao, although she Shiman routinely denied the affair. The Sina entertainment news Charmaine Sheh has recently been exposed and Kevin Cheng to break up, and Jay Chou, the spirit of mural division with the car at night, and on the street fooled...