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阿森纳欲续约新维埃拉3年 挖多特帝星接替队长

Arsenal to sign a new Vieira 3 years digging Dortmund emperor star replaced captain

2015-01-21 15:53:30来源: 华体网

阿森纳欲续约科克林 上轮英超联赛,阿森纳客场2-0干净利落地击败卫冕冠军曼城,多少有些出人意料,温格在本场比赛中一反常态打起防守反击则被认为是取胜的关键。 事实上,这已经不是阿森纳本赛季第一...

Arsenal to renew cockling last round of the English Premier League, Arsenal 2-0 clear-cut beat defending champion Manchester City, somewhat beyond all expectations, Wenger depart from one's normal behavior in the game playing counter attack is considered to be the key to victory. In fact, this is not the first Arsenal this season...