新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海南赴沪推介医疗旅游 多家医疗机构欲落户博鳌乐城

海南赴沪推介医疗旅游 多家医疗机构欲落户博鳌乐城

Hainan to Shanghai to promote medical tourism to a number of medical institutions in Boao city

2015-05-06 22:22:34来源: 南海网

南海网上海5月6日消息(南海网记者 黄丹)5月6日,海南特区医疗旅游投资恳谈会在上海宾馆举行,推介博鳌乐城国际医疗旅游先行区,22家国内外知名医疗机构与会寻商机,多家机构当场表示有意落户先行区。 ...

South China Sea South China Sea Shanghai May 6th news (South China Sea network reporter Huang Dan) May 6th, Hainan Medical Tourism Investment Forum held in Shanghai Hotel, to promote the music city Boao International Medical Tourism Zone, 22 well-known medical institutions participating seeking business opportunities, and more agencies expressed interest in the first area on the spot. ...