新关注 > 信息聚合 > 辛国斌参加天峻团审议时指出正确处理好经济发展..


Xin Guobin attended the Tianjun mission review pointed out that properly handle economic development..

2015-02-03 22:44:37来源: 大河网

图为辛国斌参加天峻代表团审议。田格斯 摄 青海新闻网讯 2月2日,副省长、海西州委书记辛国斌在参加州人大十三届六次会议天峻代表团分团审议时指出,要正确处理好经济发展、生态保护、社会稳定之间的关系...

figure for Xin Guobin to attend the Tianjun delegation. Dags Qinghai news network February 2nd, Haixi Zhou Wei, vice governor, Secretary Xin Guobin in the state of National People's Congress thirteen session of the six meeting of the delegation of Tianjun mission review pointed out, to correctly handle the relationship between economic development, ecological protection, social stability between...