新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吐痰老外经纪人称遭雪姨报复 网友斥炒作

吐痰老外经纪人称遭雪姨报复 网友斥炒作

Spitting foreigner agent said by snow aunt revenge netizens denounced speculation

2014-12-28 23:35:34来源: 中国青年网

吐痰老外经纪人自曝照片 网友21日在机场遇见吐痰老外 雪姨开启战斗模式 新浪娱乐讯 本月21日,雪姨王琳因为指责一个随地吐痰老外,与其发生激烈冲突,并在微博上互骂。12月28日,自称是该...

spitting foreigner broker exposing photos of net friend 21 meet at the airport spitting foreigner snow Yi open battle mode the Sina entertainment news this month 21 days, snow aunt Wang Lin for accusing a spit of foreigners, and clashed, and mutually scold in micro-blog on the. In December 28th, claiming to be the...