新关注 > 信息聚合 > “银十”翘尾认购量飙高 最后一周日均认购751套

“银十”翘尾认购量飙高 最后一周日均认购751套

"Silver ten" Alice tail subscription amount soared high last week, the last week of daily subscription 751 set

2015-11-01 22:12:44来源: 和讯网

上周南京楼市每日认购成交图 365淘房 刘智伟/制表 365淘房 南京讯在写本次的周行情之前,小编还是先说一下10月份南京楼市创下的恐怖成交记录吧。作为传统旺季的“银十”,整月新房成交11133...

Nanjing property market daily subscription turnover figure 365 Amoy room water Lou / tab 365 Amoy room nanjing hearing before write a weekly market, small series or to talk about 10 in Nanjing property market hit the terror of the transaction record. As the traditional peak season of silver ten, the whole month of new home transactions 11133...