新关注 > 信息聚合 > 款款都超值 1500元档高性价比手机搜罗

款款都超值 1500元档高性价比手机搜罗

Value 1500 yuan file sections are cost-effective mobile collecting

2015-01-13 06:42:46来源: 新浪

1500元左右价位的手机通常比1000元的手机的外观更加漂亮,在硬件的配置上面也比较主流,不会出现低端产品中的内存不足、拍照像素不高等问题。新浪手机就为大家搜罗几款1500元档高性价比手机。 n...

About 1,500 yuan price of the phone is usually more beautiful than the appearance of mobile phones 1,000 yuan, in the above hardware configuration is also more mainstream, low-end products will not appear insufficient memory, camera pixel is not high. Sina mobile phone as we have identified several 1500 yuan cost-effective mobile gear. n ...