新关注 > 信息聚合 > 限量送加油卡 方正HD10000扫描仪热卖

限量送加油卡 方正HD10000扫描仪热卖

To send a limited refueling card scan HD10000 hot

2015-02-07 08:59:55来源: 中关村在线

(中关村在线北京行情)A3幅面1000万高清的方正HD10000扫描仪,精巧时尚做工 适合桌面办公,可实现0.5秒快速拍摄,搭载LED智能补光加自然补光;支持身份证合并拍摄、条码拍摄、文字识别及实物...

(Zhongguancun online Beijing market) A3 format HD 10000000 founder HD10000 scanner, exquisite fashion work for desktop office, can achieve 0.5 seconds fast shooting, with LED intelligent lighting and natural supply of light; support ID merge shooting, shooting, bar code character recognition and physical...